Year 7 Catch Up Premium Literacy and Numeracy
2020-2021 Funding: £4,515.
Funding has been spent in two main areas supporting progress in literacy and numeracy.
Funding has been focussed on reading books for the library to increase the variety of books and the genres chosen by the Year 7 pupils. This is to work alongside Accelerated Reader to promote reading.
A Maths scheme and concrete resources have been purchased to support catch up with gaps in pupil’s mathematical knowledge.
2019-2020 Funding: £1,086
We have focussed funding on RWInc Fresh Start resources and training to enable pupils to make accelerated progress with reading and comprehension. This is supported with an English Intervention Teaching Assistant who is providing additional sessions for pupils who need it.
Impact: The children have not only developed their reading skills but also are applying this to their spelling strategies and comprehension skills. The children enjoyed making book choices. This will continue to be a focus as a full year’s impact was unable to be reviewed due to the amount of time spent distance learning.
We have purchased concrete apparatus to support children’s understanding of maths. This works alongside our online assessment which identifies gaps in pupil’s knowledge. This is supported with a Maths Intervention Teaching Assistant who is providing additional sessions for pupils who need it.
Impact: Pupils talk much more positively about maths and particularly problem-solving. The children have fed back positively about the Maths scheme but the resources were unable to be evaluated due to the amount of time distance learning as was the full impact of the scheme. This will remain a focus for next year.