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My dearest Honeycombed Aardvark Antlers

A most Splendid evening to you all.  We have certainly missed talking to you and cascading our myriad of 'slightly off-normal' gifts for your enjoyment, so we are back for the first draw of 2024.

Firstly, a quick explanation of our absence.... We, at Random Land, have traditionally taken a 7 week vacation at the start of each leap year and this year we all boarded a high-speed milk cart and sped off to the delights of Zouerat in Mauritania for moonbathing and sand sieving. It was certainly fun, however the day trip into the Western Sahara in search of the elusive pink-bellied long-beaked penguin was unsuccessful!

We understand that you have recently had people in to confirm what a wonderful school community you are. Well done. We hope that maybe some of our 'once in a lifetime' prizes might generate a similar sense of joy and excitement.......but perhaps at a more random sort of level?

So, here we go, into the breach once more, dear friends,

First out of the bunker tonight is a bog-standard favourite that will get the taste receptors working overtime. A classic box of Diary Milk Chocolates! With lush centres such as pickled walnut and anchovy, hard-boiled custard and lemongrass and the classic crystallised maggot ears and peanut butter. YUM YUM. Scoffed up by Naomi.

Secondly, a real party starter... A super set of party accessories (just add food, drink, people and a location for your own celebration). Party: Hats, Plates, Cups, Gifts, Napkins etc and even a pack of those blowy whistle things that unravel and annoy the pants off everyone! Just the thing, so who are you going to invite Esther?

Number three: Something in preparation for all those wonderful holidays you are planning (perhaps even to see a pink-bellied long-beaked penguin???). A fabulous brand spanking new European Travel Adapter plug. Now you can use your curling tongs or sandwich toaster or even your Mountfield Electric lawnmower whilst on holiday (although we only used our lawnmower once in the desert, it was worth taking as Conan 'furball' McCluskey needed a holiday trim). Brilliant!

(Remember though, It cannot be used in Peru) bet your 'buzzing' with this win Jo.

Quad prize - Three tins of the week, created from the inspirational recipes of the Soup Dragon on Clanger Moon. Yes SOUPS!! no less (Vegetable - with added turnip, beef -  with extra ground horn and chicken - with a hint of real chicken) absolutely delish served up for Kelly.

And tonight's superstar prize.... Actually a beautiful gift set of pampering goodies, wrapped in a wicker basket and filling the nostrils with a smashing 'frosted berry' aroma. All you need for an evening of self-lushness, then parading around sharing the wonderful 'after-scent' with everyone nearby, so they will comment 'oh! what a lovely smell of frosted berries, is that you?' and you will just smile and carry on wafting. So pamper and waft to your hearts content LisaM

Congratulations to you all, for so many different reasons and it is so good to be back in Randomland again.

Stay Safe and Have Fun

Slushy lip colliding and huggles
